Twin Cities Area Alumni Chapter

Delta Chi alumni chapters are recognized, voting groups consisting of alumni from various chapters and colonies organized in a particular geographic area or city. They provide an opportunity for area alumni to be involved with Delta Chi, and to socialize and network with brothers even if they live hundreds of miles from their initiating chapter or colony.

In essence, we support all things related to Delta Chi in the Twin Cities area and we appreciate your involvement and support.


Our Three Primary Pillars



Providing an opportunity for Delta Chi alumni to network and re-establish the bonds of the brotherhood of a lifetime



Welcoming Delta Chi members who have recently relocated to the area by helping orient them to their new home



Assisting area Delta Chi chapters by assisting their philanthropic and rush efforts, as well as supplying leadership guidance and vocational counseling.


Our Bylaws

The name of this organization shall be the Twin Cities Area Alumni Chapter of The Delta Chi Fraternity. Its purpose shall be to continue to provide opportunities for alumni of The Delta Chi Fraternity to experience the friendship and growth that membership in our Order provides.


Any alumnus member of The Fraternity from any undergraduate chapter shall be eligible for membership in the alumni chapter.


The officer of this alumni chapter will be elected for a term of one year by the membership of the chapter.  Their duties shall be as follows:

(1) The ” A” shall serve as the President of the organization and is responsible for overseeing the functioning and progress of the chapter, serving as the official spokesperson of the group and representing the chapter at official fraternity events.

(2) The “B” shall serve as the Vice President of the organization and is responsible for assuming the responsibilities of the President in his absence.  The Vice President will also serve as the activities committee chair.

(3) The “C” shall serve as the secretary of the organization and is responsible for conducting all official correspondence and maintaining all records for the chapter.  The secretary will serve as chair of the membership committee.

(4) The “D” shall serve as the treasurer of the organization and is responsible for collecting all dues and making all necessary expenditures.

More officer positions may be added as the chapter feels is necessary.


The alumni Chapter may appoint ad-hoc committees as it feels necessary for the completion of a certain project. The standing committees of the chapter shall be as follows:

(1) The membership committee shall be responsible for recruiting new members into the alumni chapter as well as for communicating information about events and activities to existing members.

(2) The activities committee shall be responsible for planning and coordinating all activities and meetings of the alumni chapter.

Other standing committees may be added as necessary.


The alumni chapter shall hold meetings, typically the 1st Thursday of the month at a time and place deemed suitable by the members.


Dues shall be set by the members and shall be collected by the treasurer of the alumni chapter at the first meeting of each year.

•Those who have a separation/graduation date less than five years ago pay $50 annually.

•Those who have a separation/graduation date more than five years pay $100 annually.

•Bills are sent out annually based on the believed separation date for each member.  Payment is due May 1st of each year.

•If there is a dispute in the billing amount please contact the treasurer.


These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the alumni chapter members in attendance at an alumni chapter meeting. If a question arises, Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the alumni chapter’s proceedings.